2013 Kessler Fellows in Duffield

Partner Companies

The Kessler Fellows program facilitates student engagement with the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the United States and abroad through a one-of-a-kind fellowship that centers entrepreneurial education, real-world startup experience, and personal exploration and reflection.

Students Contributing to Startups 

During the spring semester of the program, Kessler Fellows identify or are matched with partner companies in the entrepreneurial ecosystem that are aligned with their interests and skills. 

At the beginning of the summer, Kessler Fellows  all rising Cornell seniors hailing from a diversity of academic disciplines and research interests — embark on their startup experiences ready to tackle any challenge. Student entrepreneurs in this program have made substantial contributions to their partner companies such as conducting market analysis, developing cost accounting models, engaging in strategic planning, establishing hiring practices, helping to expand or relocate facilities, and reviewing the competitive landscape. Kessler Fellows are hard-working, motivated, and eager to make a positive impact at their startup internship.  

Interested in Hosting a Kessler Fellow? 

Could your company benefit from hosting an innovative and impactful Kessler Fellow eager to make a difference in the entrepreneurial ecosystem?

Explore the possibility of hosting a Kessler Fellow for a summer by contacting [email protected]. The program team is happy to provide you with additional information!

Previous Partner Companies

Thank you to the following partner companies for hosting Kessler Fellows: 

121 Nexus, 7AC Technologies, Agua Clara, LLC, AllBirds, Alphabet Energy, Anybots, Auro Robotics, Avedro, Bespoke, Blackjet, Bling Nation, Blue Startups, LLC, Boosted, Bug Labs, Calysta Energy, Cambrios, Canary, Caribou Biosciences, Centrifuge Systems, Chloe Capital, Clad Network, Clue, CodeX, Combplex, CruzForm, Dimensional Energy, Dreamit Ventures, e2e materials, Ecolectro, Ecovative, Eleven, Element Farms, Enlight Biosciences, ETSY, Evtek, Excellatron, Facture Design, FiveStars Loyalty, Inc., Food.Partners, Funomena, Glacier, Glypher, Google, Graphiq, GRO Biosciences, HealthQuarters, Heimdal, Hipcamp, HoverBot, Hybrid Silica Technologies, IKO Systems, Iterate Labs, Kinga, Knewton, Kurtosis, Lumium, LUMO Bodytech, MakerBot Industries, MAKU Creative, Manos Accelerator, Marketcetera, Matter, mc10, MD Revolution, MINT, MOAT, MUBI, Mucker Lab, MUVR Labs, Neverware, Nimbit, Novelis, Novomer, Nti Technology, Numenta, Open ROV, Palo Alto Research Center, Partners Healthcare, Pear Therapeutics, Piaggio Fast Foward, Planetary Resources, Powervault, Proxy, Inc., QD Vision, Quirky, Radicand, ReadyForce, Rev: Ithaca Startup Works, Rheonix, Inc., Robo Wunerkind, Rosie, Sarentis Therapeutics, Seamless Receipts, Seeo, Serious Materials, Sharper Tooks, SimpliFed, Singlebrook, SinglePlatform, Skybox Imaging, Social Bicycles, SOLS, Splatlaster,Spongecell, StampedStarsky Robotics, SUNN, Switch, The Monkey Inferno, The Water Initiative, Thevi Cosmetics, Transaera, UBEES, Uncharted Play, v.i. Labs, Walker & Company, Wayfair, We3, WeWork, Wheel the World, Whipsaw, WHOOP, Wonder Workshop, Zeo, Zing, and Zyvex.